Downloading Configeration Files.

How to install these files:

This configuration file will allow you to install the needed files for the Arduino IDE or AVRDUDESS.
Download this Zip File, Click Here.

Arduino IDE

  1. Unzip the file and follow the Path for Arduino.
  2. Once you have clicked on the Arduino Directory, Sellect and click on the Arduino Version you would like to update.
  3. Within this directory there are 3 Subdiectorys, avrdude, boards, programmes. Each contain a .CONF file of the same name as the Directory.
  4. Navigate to the ArduinoIDE\hardware\arduino\avr Note: ArduinoIDE is the directory name of where Arduino is installed on your computer.
  5. Change the file name of your boards.conf to boards backup your Initals.conf example boards backup XYZ.conf
  6. Copy the boards.conf from the ZIP file to this same directory.
    Change the file name of your programmers.conf to programmers backup your Initals.conf example programmers backup XYZ.conf
    Copy the programmers.conf from the ZIP file to this same directory.
  7. And Now Navigate to the ArduinoIDE\hardware\tools\avr\etc Note: ArduinoIDE is the directory name of where Arduino is installed on your computer.
  8. Change the file name of avrdude.conf to avrdude backup your Initals.conf example avrdude backup XYZ.conf
  9. Copy the avrdude.conf from the ZIP file to this same directory.
  10. Restart the Arduino IDE.

For the H2O2-Nano as ISP Shield the ISP Programmer is Called H2O2-Nano as ISP

For the H2O2-USB CH40G the ISP Programmer is Called H2O2's Ch340G TTL-Serial !dasa/ISP2




  1. Unzip the file and follow the Path for AVRDUDESS.
  2. Once you have clicked on the AVRDUDESS Directory, Sellect and click on the AVRDUDESS Version you would like to update.
  3. Navigate to the C:\Program Files (x86)\AVRDUDESS Note: or the directory where AVRDUDESS is installed on your computer.
  4. Change the file name of your avrdude.conf to avrdude backup your Initals.conf example avrdude backup XYZ.conf
  5. Copy the avrdude.conf from the ZIP file to this same directory.
  6. Restart the AVRDUDESS.

For the H2O2-Nano as ISP Shield the ISP Programmer is Called #H2O2-Nano as ISP Shield

For The H2O2-USB CH40G the isp programmer is called #H2O2-USB CH340G Serial Bitbang, AVRDude Needed Settings -b19200 -i400

For The H2O2-USB CH40G the Serial programmer is called #H2O2-USB CH340G/CH340C/CH330N TTL Serial